For Health Professionals

About the Study

The “Connecting Health and Technology” (Chat2) randomised controlled study is now recruiting participants. The study being led by Professor Deborah Kerr and a team of health professionals at Curtin University is offering people living with obesity a free, one year, world class weight management study aimed at supporting people to build healthy habits and improve the quality of their diet.

Half the people who take part will be asked to continue with current best care for obesity with their GP and half will be given the chat2 program led by dietitians.

Who can join the study?

We're looking for people who:

Are living with obesity (BMI 30 and 45) Check BMI here:

BMI calculator | healthdirect

Are aged between 18 and 65 years of age and are not pregnant or breastfeeding

Are in reasonably good health (exclusions: diabetes requiring insulin; medical conditions or serious illness such as severe heart conditions or severe life limiting illness or an eating disorder diagnosis)

Have not had weight loss surgery

Are not taking medications for weight loss

Are not already receiving counselling from a dietitian

Have a smart phone (iPhone or Android)

Are able to take part in telehealth video conferencing calls

Are able to come to Curtin University Bentley Campus for 4 study visits (60-90 mins per visit)

More about the study

What data is being collected?

Assessments will occur at baseline, 6 and 12 months for all participants:

Fasting bloods for lipids and glucose (copies provided to GP with participant consent)

Whole-body composition analysis using dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA scan)

Technology Assisted Dietary Assessment (TADA™) using the mobile food record (mFR™) installed on participants’ mobile telephone.

Visit the TADA Project
How do I tell people about the chat2 study?

Refer to our website:

Click 'Join now' and view the 'Participant Information and Consent PDF'

Request free Chat2 study postcards and posters for your practice by clicking the 'Send us a message' button

Contact us for more information via phone or text, email

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